Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR! *throws confetti*

I can't believe it's 2014 already. Feels like just yesterday it was 2013! ..oh wait, it was.

Okae anws, with a new year it also means it's time for new resolutions. I can't remember what my resolutions for last year were and I'm too lazy to check. But I think I've managed to fulfil some of them! *pats self on back*

Resolutions for 2014:

1. Save more money! So this year I got a FRANK card cause they were promoting it in our school and it was free haha. Andddd now I have 2 banks! I've been trying to put some money into my OCBC bank every now and then ^^ hopefully I can keep it up and stop trying to draw money from it whenever it's more convenient and forget to put it back lol. Cause you know how POSB ATMs always have such looonnngg queues ._.

2. Do better for school! This coming semester there will be no stats module ^^ so it's time for me to buck up and pull up my grades! I mean, if I can't do well in a sem with only psychology mods, then I really shouldn't be in psychology right hahaha.

3. Don't get into a relationship..unless it's the right guy. I cannot emphasize on this enough ._. somehow I always find myself falling for the wrong guys or getting together with guys that I know might probably not work out in the long run because I think love conquers all. Yes Xinci, please also remember that just because a guy is nice to you now, doesn't mean that he is the one. Now that I'm pretty sure I know what I'm looking for in a guy (character wise, not material aspects), I shouldn't give up on finding someone with all those qualities and settle for less.

4. Stay on in my job until school starts! If I can't stay on in a job that pays me to play games, I really don't know what to say lol. But then again....there are many things that are important in job satisfaction besides passion and money, soooo ._.

5. Lose weight. Or maybe my resolution should be to exercise or eat less or something hahaha. Sighhhhh. Or maybe to be less lazy. Idk why I'm so lazyyyyyyy. ):

Yeppp okae 5 resolutions should be more than enough! Hopefully I'll b able to fulfil all since I think that they're pretty reasonable resolutions. Actually they're more of like things any normal person should do..but since I'm not any normal person.............hahaha. Okae bye.

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