Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 - year of contentment

2013 is coming to an end and every thing just seems to be passing so fast. I wish I could catch each moment that meant something to me and keep them in a jar for all of eternity or something.

Of course, this year has been filled with quite a few memorable events, both good and bad. But other than that, this year has also been a year of revelation. I've managed to see so many things so much clearer and also from a different perspective.

You know how sometimes when you're caught up in a moment, all you can see is what you want to see and that clouds your judgement? Yea, that's me right there.

And trust me, I've had so many of those moments. And I always regret my actions almost immediately after the moment passes.

But you know what? Right now as I'm typing this blog post, and as 2013 is slowly drawing to an end, I'm realising that this year hasn't been all that bad at all. In fact I'm thankful for everything that has happened this year. Be it the mistakes that I've made, or the right paths that I've chosen, cause they've all lead me to where I am now.

The friendships that I've gained and lost, the relationship that I've been in and the ones that never happened; I guess it's a good thing that everything happened the way it did. I say this because for once, I can say with absolute certainty that as this year slowly comes to an end, I'm more and more certain each day that I'll be ending this year off on a happy note.

2014, I'm sure you'll be a great year :)

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