Thursday, January 2, 2014

To everyone who made my 2013 awesome!

//Okae so I wrote this 10 days before the end of 2013 (with the exception of event number 12, 13 and fact 14 was just written today ._.) but I kept editing it along the way and was actually debating on whether or not I should even post this hahaha. It wasn't only is 2 days after 2014 ._. that I decided to post it haha.//

2013 is coming to an end in 10 days time and so it's time to sum up the happenings of this year! At the beginning of the year I made it a point to keep a tin in which I'd fill up with happy things.

In other words, every time something good happened, I'd make it a point to write it down and keep it inside the tin. Yeppps, so lets see what I have!!

Just picking out some of the things I wrote down:

1. Caught the pretty fireworks! Ended the previous year by counting down to 2013 with Belle and caught the fireworks just outside MBS ^^ It was really pretty and so hugeee right infront of our faces! Definitely a sight to be remembered.

2. Somewhere in the beginning of January I finally quitted my unethical job ._. but for the record, the job was really quite fun cause of the company! It was one job I actually looked forward going to and didn't have to constantly check my watch and wonder when it was gonna end.

3. Went to Hong Kong in the beginning of the year too! First time going to that country and it was really quite fun ^^ loved the cold weather, loved the food, loved the scenery. Would have loved the shopping too, if they weren't selling winter clothes hahaha.


 Hong Kong Disneyland, where dreams come truee~! ^^

4. Okay, this 4th one is a little superficial, but I guess I was kinda happy at that point of time so I wrote it down hahaha. So there was this guy I met and thought was kinda cute (shall not say where I met him, cause I scared he might read it and then it'll be too obvious!!) and he messaged me! Hehehe. But nothing really happened between us though. We just went out a few times and after the starting "oh so cute" phase wore off, I realised he wasn't that cute anymore hahahahaha. Anws, he wasn't my type and I guess I wasn't his either. Urgh, but yea he kinda impacted my life a little at that point of time and that's why I'm writing this down lol ._.

5. And somewhere in the middle of my school term I flew off again! For work this time hehe. How cool is that! Free flight and lodging overseas ^^ but it was only to Malaysia though haha. Ohhh and I saw Spencer (idk what's her real name lol) from Pretty Little Liars cause she made an appearance with her boyfriend at the event I was working for! ^^

Love the views from aeroplanes!
The awesome food we got to eat after the event (all this for 3 ppl!!). Hehe we had a free lunch treat from my boss the next day too, before flying back to Singapore ^^

6. And then midway through school term I decided to dye my hair some YOLO colour together with Krystal and Wanfen! Totally felt like a My Little Pony back then hahaha, woo~ happy was me ^^ it was quite AA though hahaha I still remember how I felt everyone's eyes on me when I first walked up the bus immediately after dyeing my hair. And when the 3 of us were walking around school together lol! But I'd totally do it again if only the colours didn't fade to such an ugly shade colour ._.

7. And then it was my 21st birthday! Hosted my own party for the first time and woah, the amount of time I spent on it trying to make it perfect hahaha. But yea, didn't turn out quite as expected and I was also kinda sick on that day ._. suay or whattt. Still it was a memorable experience; thanks to everyone who came and made it awesome ^^

Is my hair colour in this pic pretty or whatt hehehe.

 Sling + bingbing and all their plus ones! Second oldest group of friends (except for Lisa and Angie who I only knew in sec 3 hahaha)

And the people who would probably win best dressed contest if I had held such a contest hahaha. Hehe, thanks for coming guys!

 The JC people! Friends who made JC life more bearable and A levels less sucky (ok no, it still sucks) hahaha. And also special thanks to Wen Xuan who helped me take so many awesome photos! ^^
 And my uni friends! The people that I'll be spending my next 1 and a half years with ^^ Also, big thanks to those who came early and helped with the set up!!
 My work mates who made work so much more fun and enjoyable! ^^
And the group I call miscellaneous hahaha. I meant that in all good-hearted ness okae! So thankful to them for coming despite not knowing much people at my party! Especially xbl, who didn't know anyone else but still came! Hehe one of my old friends too. The only other friend I'm still in contact with since my maple days! =p who said you can't make real friends online!
Pardon my retarded face, but this is the only photo I took with them alone, so it'll have to do hahaha. Yepps, the people who made my party possible aka my parents! They were the ones who paid for everything..and then grumbled about whyyy I always spend so much money ._. hahaha oh well.

8. Went on my 2nd (or 3rd if you count the work trip) holiday this year! To Bangkok with Bingbing and Amanda! Big thanks to Bingbing and her mummy for letting us stay in their house and bringing us around hehehe. And damn, I miss bkk!! Need to go back there soooooonn! And I'm always amazed whenever people travel with me and don't end up cutting off our friendship whenever we're back LOL. But yea, think they're probably used to me already after knowing me for so long hahaha.

Looking at this picture makes me so hungry :( I miss Bangkok's street food!!

9. Got together with Melson. We broke up eventually, cause I guess we were just not right for each other. But still, he was one of the few nicest people to me, if not the nicest. Always tolerating and giving in to me. And bringing me whenever I wanted to go somewhere or whenever I had a craving for a certain food or wanted to cook at his house. He's also the first guy to buy me flowers and cook for me haha. I still feel kinda guilty about this whole r/s cause he really treated me like a princess and I really don't deserve it. Hopefully you'll find someone who really deserves you and we'll still continue to be friends!

Never really posted much photos of us tgt, but we both look nice here, so yay. (love my hair in this pic hahaha) 
And he fulfilled my craftholic dream hahaha. My bunny Pinky!!

10. And then I got back in contact with neoguy haha really enjoyed the times we spent running together back then and just being retarded. Did the 2nd and 3rd most YOLO thing after dyeing my hair bright purple and pink - went running in a PSI 290 haze and sat the reverse bungee! (woo so now I've successfully sat BOTH gmax rides hehehe) We could have died. On both occasions x.x Haha but yea, glad we're on talking terms again, cause he is a great friend!

Just look at the haze!! In our defense, we were not seeking death cause we didn't know of the PSI only until after we ran ._.
 And yea, he is probably the only guy equally retarded enough to sit down and colour a paper crown with me hahaha!

11. Got my driving license!! Took the longest time (slightly more than a year) cause I was such a lazy person hahaha. Sometimes I'd only go down to CDC once a month ._. I mean, I'm a busy person too okaeee. I have school and I need to sleep ._. But still! I got my license on the 1st try, so I'm still pro hehehe. And my instructor was pretty impressed that my driving is not bad, counting on the fact that I only go for lessons once every few weeks =p My daddy on the other hand..thinks my driving is horrible cause I drive too fast and break too slow hahaha. Oh and I can't do my vertical parking with just one turn of the steering wheel in one direction only. Pfft, he has too high expectations of me ._. At least my car is parked straight 90% of the time!!

12. And lastlyyyy! I got the job I wanted at this kiddy place! Hehehe, I've yet to start work (cause they're not open yet) but I'm looking forward to it ^^ Oh, but I kinda applied for this job with Asiasoft a few days back hahaha. I figured since I've spent so much money on them in the past, this is one way to get it back =p so if they do hire me...then maybe I won't be working at the kiddy place so soon ._.
Okae, by the time I decided to publish this post I've already accepted the job with Asiasoft haha I'll be starting work next Monday! And the kiddy place apparently had its opening date postponed to somewhere in Feb so I might be working there on the weekends when school reopens!

13. (This isn't in my "jar of happy things" cause I just added this in today! Magical number 13 to end off 2013!) Had the 2 most awesome BBQs of the year to celebrate xmas eve and new year's eve's eve hahaha. Glad to be spending it with some of my oldest friends! Here are some pictures of them in chronological order starting from oldest to..least oldest hahaha.

And Angie should be here as well but she is far far away in some awesome country hahaha.

14. By the time I decided to post this there's a number 14 already hahaha. Heck, it's not even 2013 anymore. So yea, spent the last day of 2013 with these awesome people. Safe to say, my last day of 2013 was great and the 1st day of 2014 was even greater!

 Pardon my ultra unglam hair ._.
Only glimpse of the fireworks that I caught hahaha :(

Yepp yepps, so that probably sums up all the stuff that made an impact on me in 2013! If you appear in my post (be it in pictures or name), thanks for making my year awesome! ^^

Anws, here's to hoping that 2014 will be an awesome year! ^^ 

Ps. I won't be keeping my tin of happy stuff anymore cause so much great things will happen, I probably won't even have time to keep track! Woo~

Till next year, BYE ^^

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