Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just finished reading my first eBook - A Singapore Love Story. Saw people talking about it awhile back so I decided to check it out. I guess it's a pretty good book considering how I completed reading it in less than 24 hours after purchasing it. And..well, I don't remember the last time I actually completed a book ever since I was done with A levels lit 2 years back. I swear lit killed my passion for reading.

You know, sometimes I wish my life was a sad love story. One of those typical kinds in which the girl ends up believing the guy doesn't love her any more, when in fact the guy just wanted her to think that way in order to protect her. To know that someone loves you so much, he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness just so you wouldn't be sad.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sadistic, but I just find such stories so touching. I mean, a sad love story is better then just a sad story right.......

Then again, sometimes I watch such shows/read such books and think to myself, "why is that guy so stupid??!" I mean like, if I were the girl and the guy I loved was suffering from some terminal illness (touch wood) or something, I wouldn't want him to lie to me and make me believe that he doesn't love me any more just so I wouldn't be burdened by him?! In fact I'll hate him so much for making me think that way and to only find out that he was doing it "for my own good" only after he is dead. I mean like, if the guy you loved had a limited time left on this earth, wouldn't you want to spend every living second left with him?

And no one should have the rights to make such a decision for their partner. Who are you to decide what's best for someone else, when they are the ones who have to live with your decision for the rest of their lives??

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