Monday, August 5, 2013


I'm so tired. Not just because I've been up since 6am, but because I'm just so tired of thinking, so tired of figuring out what's right and what's wrong. I just want someone to tell me, "it's okay, everything will be alright eventually, just hang in there".

You know how some people are just so quick to judge? You've barely even told them anything and they're already judging you and acting like they know it all.

Right now, I'm just so glad for the few people who have constantly been there for me. People that I don't even need to explain myself to and they wouldn't immediately assume the worst. People that even when I've told them the worst, don't immediately write me off as "fucked up".

I really don't know how to deal with all this crap. I could drink and numb myself from all of this temporarily, but ultimately I'd still wake up feeling like shit..or worse. So I guess that isn't a viable solution. the end of the day you're still alone.

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