Friday, August 2, 2013

Today I finally understand why people are so quick to judge. It's really hard not to when you're not the one in their shoes. And especially hard when the person is someone whom you're biased against.

Then again, I'm a really biased person. If I don't like you, I'd probably judge you for killing an ant. But if you're someone I'm close to and consider a friend or more, I'd probably still be on your side even if you told me you murdered someone. With justifiable reasons of cause. But yea you get my point. (can totally hear people going "you mean there's such a thing as justifiable reasons to murder someone?!" sorry to say, the world isn't just black and white and you're really shallow and self righteous if you die die must think that way, no pun intended)

Sigh. Anyways, that's not the point.

I guess basically I'm just so sick and tired of people telling me what I should and should not do. Sooooo sick and tired of people judging my choices and actions.

Like srsly, if you were to ask me what's my biggest regret, it'd be not following and going after my selfish desires. And of cause I know that it's wrong and I know that no matter how much I want to do something, the world doesn't just revolve around me. I fucking know that, so who are you to tell me that I'm wrong when you don't even know half the things I've done or gone through?

I believe I'm quite open and I don't try to hide much; like if you were to ask me something I'd tell you the truth. But what really annoys me is that most of the time people take whatever I've said to be the entire truth/the whole story and just start assuming things.

For instance, just cause I told you I ate pasta for lunch doesn't mean that I wanted to eat pasta right. (although I'm pretty sure I wouldn't mind eating pasta any day #justsaying) Just giving this example makes me annoyed, cause once again, I can totally imagine people telling me "if you don't want to eat pasta, then why you ate pasta for lunch?!" REALLY? Maybe because pasta is the only food left on earth???!! Exaggerating, but you get my point.

Honestly, if I could do things over, I really wouldn't give a shit about what's right, what's wrong, what's selfish and what's not. Someone will always be at the losing end and if it's not them, it's you. This is how the world works isn't it? Everytime you become 10 bucks richer, someone becomes 10 bucks poorer.

And anws, to a very large extent I believe that there's no such thing as a definite right or wrong answer or way to do things as it's all just a matter of perspectives.

Sorry for this very..annoyed post. I have a whole lot more of things that are currently annoying me but I shall try to suppress it and keep it all in! Despite everything that I've ranted about, I'm still sweet and nice ^^v hahaha. And I don't bite. Okae bye.

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