Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Life is all about choices, and I don't doubt that every choice we make has a chance to alter our lives in the most drastic ways.

Unfortunately one of the things I suck most at is making decisions. I'm so indecisive, I don't think I've ever met someone more indecisive than me.

Ever heard of the parallel universe theory? Sometimes I wonder if a parallel universe actually exists, how would my life be like in that time and space. Would I have made all the necessary right decisions to get me to where I want to be? Would I have achieved everything I wished I could have accomplished?

Oh well, but I also do believe that everything will work out eventually. All roads lead to Rome and it doesn't matter how you get there, or how long it takes, as long as you get there eventually.

Of cause some days I question myself and I wonder if it's just me being naive to think that there will be a day when everything in our life will align, but then I tell myself that I need to have faith.

After all, believing and having faith is half the battle won.

I think I've been rather positive lately, and it's really bordering on "corny" but I can't afford to dwell in negativity. And I guess your behaviour does eventually change the way you think. Honestly, I think it does work cause I believe I've grown stronger both mentally and emotionally.

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