Sunday, March 24, 2013


I remember when I was in secondary school, during one of the talks we had with my school counsellor, she told us this. She said we shouldn't be so quick to give our hearts away. Then she drew a heart and drew many lines on it, separating it into many different pieces. She said everytime we get too attached, we would be giving a piece of our heart away, and started to slowly erase portions of the heart that she drew on the board. Eventually what was left was just a small portion of the original image. And she said to us, "if you keep giving away too much, when you eventually meet the right person," she then pointed to what was left of the heart that was drawn on the board "this is what you'll be left with".

And I think that's really true. So often we keep investing so much in the wrong people, that when the right one finally comes along, we just can't find it in ourselves to love them the way we once loved another.

I think I've reached this stage whereby everything just feels so..messed up. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but somehow it's like everywhere I go, something would definitely remind me of an event from the past. It's not that I haven't let go, but it's more like..the memories are still there. And sometimes it just makes me feel this sense of regret. It makes me wonder if it's my fault that things ended the way it did, and it makes me regret investing so much feelings into the people that weren't worth it.

And somehow it makes me afraid. It makes me wonder if there's even anyone out there that's worth it.

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