Saturday, March 23, 2013

rewind and play

Lately there's been something on my mind which really bothered me. It sounds pretty trivial whenever I tell someone about it, but it really really bothers me a lot. I really wished I could just stop thinking about it. Just turn it all off. The images, the voices, the words.

But of cause it doesn't work that way.

I soon realised the only way to seemingly get over it, is to just replay it over and over again in your mind. That same scene, those same words, you just gotta replay it until you get so sick and tired of it that you don't even want to think about it anymore. And every time you think about it, you experience those same intense feelings, until eventually you just grow numb to it.

And that's what we always do, don't we? We don't really get over things. We just get over thinking about it and get over letting it evoke such feelings from us.

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