Saturday, February 9, 2013


First week of school has officially ended!

The week started off horrible, but things have been on a gradual rise towards the good side haha. Only thing that remained bad was the horrible peak hour highway jam and human jam at the bus stop. And of cause the weather.

Sigh, got deprived of my pasta yesterday because of the rain! :( Anws, yesterday Belle crashed my lecture but it felt more like I was the one crashing her lecture. She actually pays more attention than me and was more interested in my lecture than I was ._. hahaha. Wake up call Xinci.

Left my lecture early to head to rail mall to chill and eat our cake! Noms. Haha felt weird to be entering a bar immediately after school. For a moment I even wondered if we were allowed to be in there, cause I kinda forgot that I was of age and in home clothes hahaha. We went to walk around the area for awhile after that, before I headed off to Orchard to meet Victor.

Can't believe we actually walked from Ion Orchard to Plaza Sing then to Clarke Quay via Fort Canning Park, then to Chinatown hahaha. But yea, after yesterday I was a satisfied person cause I finally managed to satisfy my craving for a little thrill in my life.

Walking through Fort Canning Park in the middle of the night at about 3+ am is no joke man haha. Damn scary!! It seemed like there were toads everywhere. To think I actually thought they were cute when I heard one croaking in the grasses near Cine.

Imagine walking through some dimly lit pathway, surrounded by trees and darkness. And the sound of toads croaking damn loudly coming from all directions. In front, behind and on both sides too! Felt like an army of toads were gonna descend from the trees and charge towards us or something. And me being my paranoid self was of cause even more paranoid ._.

So creepy! Plus I don't even know if they were really toads or............

Hahaha okay but it was fun cause I like cheap thrills =p

Talking about things I like, I think I really need to start thinking of a list of things I like. Cause whenever the lecturers ask us to describe ourselves/what we like, I somehow can't seem to think of anything. So now I shall make my list and well..refer to it next sem so that I'll be able to give a proper answer hahaha.

1. Pasta
2. Thrills and adventure
3. Horror movies
4. Exploring new places
5. Romance movies/love stories

Yepps, I guess that's about it! Happy CNY everyone! ^^

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