Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chinese New Year/Valentine's Day

Today is chu san, i.e. CNY day 3! I'm actually quite excited for the gathering later on today. (:

Every CNY, my daddy side would have this mass gathering thingy, so yea. But anws, I'm not excited for the gathering cause of "the gathering", but more for..the food hahaha. I'm actually more excited for the food than the ang paos x.x sigh, why am I such a glutton haha.

Okay, I don't mean to complain during Chinese New Year, but..I painted my nails for cny this year and decided to go a littleee more fancier. So I made some simple patterns by drawing white stripes. But now I'm quite disturbed everytime I look at my nails cause the lines aren't straight and of equal thickness ._.

Yea, one of the main reasons why I rarely paint my nails =/ cause I can't paint my right fingernails well using my left hand and I'm damnnnn particular about it. Took every ounce of willpower in me to not wipe it off and redo it over and over again x.x

And I think my luck this year is pretty bad. I lost at gambling :( I rarely lose money while gambling cause I tend to always play safe. I just gamble for the fun of it, cause I'm not really a risk taker when it comes to such things. Plus I don't believe that you can make big bucks from gambling. Sighhhhhh. Must be karma catching up to me :(

Anws besides that, these few days have been pretty good. I've been in a pretty good mood, so that's good hahaha.

But then again, Valentine's Day is approaching and..you know..=/

I have this love/hate relationship towards this day. I hate it cause I somehow always seem to be date-less on that day #foreveralone, but I love it cause it's Valentine's Day! It's one of the most beautiful days of the year and me being..the hopeless romantic that I am, loves such occasions.

Sometimes I really wonder why I have such idealistic beliefs about love and wonder why am I such a hopeless romantic. But yea, I kinda found the answer to that a few days back during one of my lectures. It's DISNEY'S fault ._.

My whole childhood revolved around tales of princesses overcoming difficulties and finding their princes. Cinderella taught me how status and wealth didn't matter when it comes to the pursuit of true love. Beauty and The Beast taught me that looks didn't matter. The Little Mermaid taught me that if you really loved someone strongly enough, you'd sacrifice everything just to be with them.

When will my prince charming come and sweep me off my feet? :(

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