Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One day.

Someday things will be perfect, it'll be worth it all this time.

Sometimes I wonder, why certain things come so easy for some yet for others, even after putting in so much effort and going through so much, things still don't come easy for them.

It makes you wonder, is it purely because of luck or does the problem run deeper than that? Is it a matter of being at the right place at the right time, meeting the right people at the right time, or does the problem actually lie with the person in question?

I'm not saying good things don't happen to me. I know there are a lot I should be thankful for and I have a lot of things that I probably don't deserve, but sometimes it just sucks you know? To have something that you really want, to not go your way.

Sometimes I really wish things would just go smoothly for me. I don't even ask for much. Honestly speaking, I'd be contented if my life only consisted of a couple of good close friends, the people I love, the person I love, and us all living a comfortable and simple life without stress, without pressure and without the constant need to strive for something better.

Why can't life just be simple.......sigh.

It's okay, one day, things will all work out and I'll be able to lead the life I want. I'd be happy, I'll be contented. One day.

..But when will that day come?

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