Sunday, February 17, 2013


Everything seemed so minuscule from up there. It was a bird's eye view. Different groups of people going about their daily lives. Some going home from a long day of work, some enjoying a night out with their friends and others just taking a leisurely stroll along the city streets at night.

Each one of them preoccupied with their own activities, taking no notice of the others, most probably even unaware of their existence. And yet from where I was, I could see every single one of them so clearly. It made me realise how each one of us is just this small portion of the bigger picture.

There are approximately 7 billion people in the world as of today and the number grows everyday. To think that we are just 1 out of 7 billion people.

It made me wonder, you know? If one day I were to just disappear off the surface of this earth, how many people would actually realise? How much of a difference would it actually make? It's just a thought though, I don't really mean to sound emo or what lol.

Anyway besides that, it also made me realise that there are so many different people around us, living their own lives. Made me wonder how their lives were like. How it'd be like to be living another life, in another place, surrounded by different people. Being filthy rich, or maybe being dirt poor. The most popular kid, or someone that doesn't even have any friends. Really made me wonder how it'd be like to be living another life.

And lastly, in a population of 7 billion people, can 1 person really make a difference?

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