Monday, February 4, 2013

If love's a fight, then I shall die with my heart on the trigger

Okay, this is a really random and rant-y post. Gonna let out all the annoyance that's been building up inside of me the past few days, starting with the things that are on top of my hate list.

1. People with no sense of time

Honestly speaking, I'm perfectly fine with waiting. I can sit in one spot and wait an hour or so just fine. But of cause that's highly dependent on my mood and who you are. And..the reason for me waiting, shouldn't be because you "overslept", "left the house late" or basically just have a horrible concept of time. And it's not because I don't like to wait, but because it really really annoys me that you don't even have the basic courtesy to try and be on time! I really don't understand what's so damn hard about being punctual. I can do it, so I don't see why can't people do it too?!?!!

I love sleeping and if I don't oversleep, I don't see why should you. I love procrastinating and if I can get my ass off my bed to get ready early, I don't see why can't you. I can't predict the future, I can't tell when my bus/train would come, but I still don't blame SBS/SMRT for me being late, so I don't see why you should. And I'm really fine with it if people are late for 10-15 mins, but if I've already reached and you're still AT HOME, tell me I don't have the rights to be pissed? Have I mentioned how my stupid company made me wait for close to an HOUR? Told Belle and I to reach at 12.30 but by 1+ they were not even there yet.

2. People that ignore me

Yea, I probably already have tons of posts about this in my blog archives that I've sort of "deleted". But it really really reallyyyyyyyyyy pisses off me to no end when people IGNORE me. You know, I thought it was bad when people ignore your msges..but you know what's worse? When people just blatantly walk pass you as though you don't even exist. I've met about 5 of such people while doing my promoting job and everytime I feel like slapping them. Or like jump in front of them and go "EXCUSE me, I'm talking to you?"

And people that ignore my msges. I don't ignore people unless they really really annoy me, cause I kinda believe in karma and I don't want people to ignore me, but somehow they still do anws. I don't even understand why cause I'm definitely not one to not get hints. Call me over sensitive or paranoid, but I can sense disinterest from a mile away. If someone I'm talking to starts giving me short replies that do not lead anywhere, I definitely will not bother bringing up new topics and will just try to end the conversation asap.

I mean like seriously, if you're annoyed with me and I'm somehow still trying to hold a conversation with you then you probably only have yourself to blame cause you're most likely sending mixed signals. Why don't you just say "lol okay" or something instead of ignoring me. It really gets to me when people ignore's like saying you're this worthless insignificant being that isn't even worth a "lol okay". Which means you aren't even worth 5 seconds of someone's time.

3. People that do not get that I don't want to talk to them

I really don't understand why is it that the people I want to talk to won't initiate conversations with me, but those I have totally no interest in will just keep trying. It's really easy to see that I'm not interested in talking to you, cause my reply will be something like "oh lol okae" or "haha okae". And I'll mostly repeat that over and over again whenever you ask me something. And I won't use emojis on you. I love using emojis. And if I don't use emojis on you, it means I'm not interested to talk to you.

And if you annoy me further, I won't even use "lol" or "haha". That definitely means that I'm annoyed cause I alwayyyyyys say "hahaha". I think msges without "hahaha" or smiley faces/emojis are mean and scary =/

4. Not getting what I want

I hate not getting what I want or who I want. I hate it, I really hate it. Need I say more?

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