Sunday, January 13, 2013

Warning: ranting post

Okay this is actually a rather superficial and materialistic problem, not something that I would usually blog or be really bothered about, but.........the Juicy Couture bag I want is out of stock. And I'm sad!! Stupidest thing is that the other bag I previously wanted so bad but was out of stock, is now in stock!! But now I don't want it anymore cause I want the other out of stock one. SIGH.

I think I really have something against taking things that are within my reach..forever wanting something I cannot get only...

Talking about my bag, I'm pretty annoyed cause while in Hong Kong I went to 2 of their shops but none of them had the bag I wanted nor the wallet I wanted. Their website had the wallet in this pretty beige-y colour, but all the shops only had it in blue or red! And it's damn uglyyy!! Urghhhhh. And the Juicy Couture shop at MBS doesn't have the bag nor wallet too. ): do I really have to make a trip down to Orchard to check?!

And I really really want the wallet too because I've been trying to find a wallet for AGES but could never find one that I liked. Like seriously, ): And I really need a wallet badly cause my current one is torn and tattered already. It's starting to look worse than a pasar malam wallet ._.

Sigh and I don't want to order it online cause the international shipping itself is like 35 bucks?! I could buy another wallet with that..........

Haha talking about the price of wallets, I think it's pretty ironic that most of our wallets would probably cost more than the money we have inside. Kae la, maybe then even when I have 0 dollars in my wallet I still won't feel so broke cause I can console myself and tell myself that my wallet is money in material form lol.

Urgh, okay on to less superficial issues..

Was on facebook viewing some random guy's (ok not really random..but I shall talk about that later) profile and it friggin annoyed me when I saw him commenting this in one of his comments "...still remember what I told you about guys got nothing to lose? Now I know that we got everything to lose. Coz feeling is more den anything. Girls can forget us so easily. But we, as a guy, cannot get forget what we used to loved."

Seriously felt like telling him off in his comments but thought better of it. I've already wasted a considerable amount of my time talking to him previously and I have no intention to waste more of my precious time talking/knocking sense into his dense skull.

I really have no tolerance for people who are so negative about anything and everything in the world. What's worse is that he just generalized us girls and think that just cause ONE girl is like that, everyone is all the same. That's not just ridiculous but it's also something that only someone of extremely low intellect would say.

And lastly, what annoyed me the most is his last sentence which I've bolded. What fucking bullshit is that?! "Girls can forget us so easily. But we, as a guy, cannot get forget what we used to loved."??!!! Yea and his horrible Engerish just annoyed me even more.

This stupid guy just got dumped by his 4 years ex gf and he is already going around looking for other girls to replace his ex (he said he wasn't looking for a replacement but ya wdv) and he actually dared to say something like that?

How do I know he goes around looking for girls? Cause he added me from one of my friend's  profile and started spamming me with nonsense even after I told him that I don't believe in making friends through Facebook. I don't know if I should applaud him for being persistent or should I be plain outright disgusted at his desperateness. Wa and for a moment I actually felt sorry for him after listening to his story (in an attempt to explain himself to me..about why I should believe that he is not desperate) and actually tried giving him advice and telling him that this isn't the way he should be getting over his ex. But I regretted that immediately..cause he still couldn't fucking get the hint that I wasn't interested and still said some nonsense about proving himself to me and making me believe/don't want to give up this chance.

Wow srsly..why don't guys that I actually care about be that persistent? Cause people always take those that care the most about them for fucking granted. Okay..I'm not generalizing here. You've gotta admit that it's true. It's human nature. It's psychologically wired into us to behave that way..most of the times. Yea, of cause there are people who don't take things for granted, but most of us do. I admit, I myself do that at times too. We always want what we can't have. The more unattainable something is, the stronger the desire, the more effort we put in. Right?

Anw, back to the point. I really am damn damn annoyed whenever I come across people saying stuff like what he said. Yea just earlier this day I saw another girl saying how all guys cannot be trusted, blablabla. Just cause one person, or a few people that you've dated acted this way, doesn't mean that everyone is the same!!!

Wa but that stupid guy's comment annoyed me the most basically because of my previous interaction with him (what a hypocrite!!) and because I'm a girl. And because I know for a fact that I don't forget people so easily.

In fact, it seems to me like guys are the ones who are jerks. You always hear stories about guys stringing girls along, making use of them for sex and all. How often do you hear guys complaining about a girl making use of them for sex? THEY DON'T. Cause for starters, they'd probably be more than happy. Urgh. And rape..I mean like, what are the chances of a female raping a male instead of the other way round??!

I won't talk about cheating cause it seems like girls are just as likely as guys to cheat.

Okay, all that said. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all guys are jerks. Yea, there is probably a fair share of gold diggers out there who make use of men for their status and wealth, cheating them of their money and all.

Anw the point is that people shouldn't generalize!!!!!! And they should stop being so pessimistic, thinking that the whole human population is evil and that they're the only good soul on earth who has been unfairly treated. Go do some reflection, you probably have done your fair share of horrible deeds as well.

Okay. I feel slightly better now. Don't mind me..I'm just venting my frustrations.

On a happier note..I'm gonna drive a car for the first time in my life tomorrow!! So excited, hehe. Bye.

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