Saturday, January 19, 2013

I've been pretty busy these few days. Don't even remember when was the last time I spent a full day at home..

But it's all a sense I'm quite glad that I have work to keep me busy, at least then I wouldn't have so much time to dwell on unhappy stuff. At the start of the year, I told myself that I've got to be happy..but lately it's starting to seem like it's easier said than done. I mean, you can't just control your feelings like's not a switch that you can turn on or off as and when you like.

And it bothers me that sometimes I'm not even sure why I'm feeling a certain way.

Sometimes I get so annoyed with myself, cause it seems like I deliberately like making things difficult for myself. I don't understand why we're so drawn to things that we can't get our hands on. I mean, in theory I do understand why that is so, but what I don't understand is why does it have to be that way? Why can't the human mind be wired to make things simple and clear cut for us all?

When something is within my reach, somehow it just loses its appeal to me. However when that thing starts slipping away, somehow a part of me immediately starts longing for it.

Anws, school is starting soon. I'm not really looking forward to it anymore..

I've gotten myself into some serious shit this time round. Still trying to find my way around it and hopefully out of it.

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