Thursday, January 10, 2013

5th January

As I'm typing this, I'm sitting in the front sit of a bus travelling along the highway, going pass the many mountains of Hong Kong.

This feeling, it feels so new, so different. I don't want to forget this feeling, hence I'm typing my blog post now instead of later.

Slightly more than a year ago, I was experiencing something somewhat similar, but I was in Taiwan. However despite the similar conditions, one thing was vastly different. And that was the way I felt.

Back then, as I passed those beautiful sceneries, all I felt was empty and more alone than ever. Although it was the start of a new journey (my holiday), it felt like I had just come to an end of something. Throughout the long bus rides, I was listening to some sad song..and all I could think about was "what's the point of such beauty if the only person I could share it with was myself?"

But this time something felt different. As I passed through the many beautiful mountains and buildings, I felt this sense of hope, awe and freedom.

It feels as though there is a really big world out there and anything could happen. For once I actually feel free and am looking forward to the future without any unrealistic expectations and longing.

This time it felt like the start of something new.

10th January

I'm back in Singapore now. It's been about 5 days since I typed that post. And somehow it never fails to amaze me whenever I read old posts that I blogged just a few days or weeks back. It's really funny to see how so much can change in just a matter of a few days.

One day you might be the happiest person on earth and the next day with just a change of events, things can somehow just make a complete turn for the worst.

Maybe it's because I've been cut off from everyone for so long, that such feelings manifested. 5/6 days might not be all that long, but as compared to normal days in which I could check my whatsapp/twitter every 10 minutes and be connected to anyone and everyone anytime I want, I guess it's considered long.

I suppose being alone somehow just brings about this sense of loneliness. You see people all around you, all the couples happily in love, on holiday together..and somehow you just wish you had someone there with you as well. You start to miss people you told yourself that you could live without, you start anticipating, looking forward to the next time you'd be able to talk to them..

But it's okay, I'm back now. All these feelings shouldn't stay as well. I did it once, I can do it again. After all, such things only get easier with time.

Note to myself for future reference: From here on out (including this post) any ambiguous reference to a person, is not in any association with him. I really did mean it when I mentioned in my previous post that I'm no longer hung up over the past.

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