Saturday, February 8, 2014


Sometimes when things in my life are going rather well, I'd look back at the events that once unfolded and marvel at how things that I had once thought were insignificant, had actually played such a huge role in getting me to where I was eventually.

I realised how certain things that I had once felt down and out over, were actually blessings in disguise and feel rather thankful for them. And then there were other times in the past at which I'd be frustrated over a missed opportunity, only to realise that if I had never missed that chance, it wouldn't have led me to something even greater.

I guess sometimes we just gotta have faith that everything in life will work out eventually. There's no point fretting over what has been or what's gonna be, but instead we should just enjoy happy times as they come and when things get dark, know that there'll always be a light ahead, as long as we keep going.

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