Friday, July 19, 2013

from a different perspective

First week of school is finally over!!!! Yay, no school tomorrow! Actually I realised I don't have school on quite a few Fridays!! ^^

This week was really tiring cause for 2 days straight we had 6 hours of lessons x.x one of which was at 8.30am summore ._. Swear I almost fell sick after the 2nd day lol. And for 2 days I actually fell asleep lying on my bed before it was even my bed time =/ Then surprisingly I could still fall asleep after that!

Feeling quite motivated this sem! I actually read my textbook on the day itself that I got it! Although I didn't finish a chapter, but I actually read it??? FYI, I never touched my textbooks for the previous semesters all the way up till exams! I also read like half my lecture slides before going for my lecture lolol. But that only happened once la hahaha.

*model student*

Anws. I think my perspective on life kinda shifted quite abit this year. Bingbing just jio-ed  me to go club tomorrow and I said noooooooo. Without any hesitation. /claps

I guess part of the reason is cause I really really hate the taste of alcohol now. The only thing I'd drink is beer/wine/champagne. Hard liquor is just..bleah. And the other half of the reason is cause the last time I went clubbing, I was quite sober..okae very sober actually..and I just sat on the sofa, watching the people around me.

And I thought to is this even considered having a life? You go to a club, pay money to drink horrible tasting liquor and torture yourself, waste even more money taking a cab home and wake up the next day with a hangover and feeling like crap. Not to mention, the people I saw dancing on the podiums and what-nots looked really..for lack of a better word, crazy. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's know.

It's funny that I only realise it now though. I guess I never really paid much attention to the people around me the other times I clubbed, or maybe I was never sober enough to bother. But yes, now that I've witnessed it for myself, I'm just like..meh.

And I find it quite laughable that some people club almost everyday that the clubs are open and they're proud of it. Like they think it makes them seem so popular and shows that they have a life, but in reality they're just wasting their life.

Don't get me wrong. I truly believe that we need to let loose and have fun once in awhile, and although clubbing might not really be my choice of activity anymore, I think it's perfectly fine and I wouldn't judge you if it's yours. What I think is not fine, is people who spend almost half their week clubbing, drinking and being hungover (and of cause ppl who make out with random strangers in the club and basically just being cheap). Yes, YOLO, but I don't see what's so memorable about nights you can't even remember.

What I really want now, is just to stay at home with my books and study.

Hahahahaha okae no I'm kidding. I do want to study la, but obviously it's not healthy if your life just revolves around your books. If you're just academically inclined, you're nothing. The most successful people actually have a life.

I really admire those people who have good grades, confidence, good people skills and a social life. It's like woahhh charismatic points +99999.

Okie dokie, my route to becoming a model student will start..NOW. (see, it's not tomorrow, it's now okae! no more procrastination) Hahahahaha, okae bye.

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