Thursday, June 20, 2013

On the wings of time.

Somehow the past few days make me feel like I've escaped from reality for just a little while. And it felt kinda good, cause ever since school ended and the holidays began, things seemed to feel more real than ever.

I feel like I've been going round in circles. 1 year of uni life has already passed, yet it doesn't really feel that way. I have this habit of looking back into the past and comparing how things were before to how they are right now. It's just 1 year and so much has changed. It never fails to amaze me at how much can change in so little time. To think that we are actually going through the same routine we have been going through since 1 year ago, and are around the same people that we were around a year ago, yet things can be so drastically different.

Maybe on a surface level things might still seem the same, but to me it feels like my whole world has changed. And all this just makes everything seem so real. It reminds me that time is constantly moving and every single one of our actions will bring about repercussions that might occur immediately or years later.

I really wished that I could just live in the moment, without worrying about the outcomes of my actions and just live life recklessly. But of cause, reality doesn't allow this.

Honestly speaking, I'm not one of those people who has their life planned from 16 to 60 years old. But then again, I do worry from time to time about the future. Not just studies wise, but in other aspects as well. Sometimes I wonder if everything will work out for me eventually and if I'm making the right choices.

Everytime during my holidays, I always find myself looking forward to going back to school again from time to time. I don't know if it's cause I actually like school, or if it's because I'm already so accustomed to going to school that it has become such a huge part of my life that it feels weird not to be in school.

And that's why having felt like I've somehow escaped from reality for just awhile feels so good. But reality is reality after all.

Eventually things still have to go back to how they should be.

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