Friday, March 1, 2013

Went back to TPJC today to see them collect their A level results. Approximately 1 year ago, I was right there, doing that exact same thing.

It also made me ask myself, how much of it do I actually regret? And honestly speaking, as I thought about it..I asked myself this question "if you were given a chance to transfer to NUS right now, would you?" Most people would probably jump at the opportunity, but I however, found myself hesitating.

To a certain point, I'm actually satisfied with where I am right now. As in literally where I am, which is SIM. Where I am in life however, is another story. I have friends in local universities and they seem perpetually stressed and shrouded in tests/assignments. And somehow the FASS system in NUS doesn't really appeal much to me. Not having a proper class, not having a fixed group of's just sad and lonely.

But I do admit, that there's one thing I do regret. It's really really ironic. And that actually means more to me than any prestige getting into a local uni can give.


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