Saturday, November 7, 2015

Today I sat by the bus stop, watching the cars and buses go by, wondering how my life would turn out years from now. That scene closely resembled the way life goes by. Looking from afar, you could see all the cars clearly, but as it gets closer and closer, it starts to blur out and eventually when it's right in front of you it just passes by in the blink of an eye.

I guess I've always been a dreamer, always believing that life should be lived like how it's portrayed in the movies. You go through a rough patch, you fall down, get bruised and hurt, but eventually you pick yourself up, learn and grow from your past and eventually it leads you on to something much greater.

At 23, fresh out of university and at a career crossroad, I suppose this would be one of the most important turning points in my life.

Where I choose to go from here would probably dictate the direction that I'd be heading in for the rest of my life. And that's really quite a big deal.

A job to me is something more than just earning a living. I believe a job should be something that you live for as much as it gives you a means to live.

I don't want a mediocre job, I don't want a forced routine, I don't want to be enslaved. I want something that I can look forward to for years to come and not start the countdown clock to my retirement since the first day I start work.

I honestly can't imagine a life like that.




  3. hey, it's you again. haha i still don't know who you are!
