Wednesday, May 13, 2015


So it has been a few days past my birthday and now I'm officially 23. No more feelin' like I'm 22.

Birthdays have always held a special significance for me. Not just my birthday, but those around me as well. Chances are if you're important to me, I'd probably remember your birthday. But I have to admit that at times I kinda get the days mixed up so I only end up remembering the month, during which I'd then proceed to check up on the exact date when the month comes =p

It might seem silly, but I often look forward to 12 midnight on the day of my birthday just to see who would be the first to wish me. Of cause ideally it'd be someone important to me, but..things don't always work out that way~

I remember the days I used to stay up till 12 midnight just so that I could be the first to wish that "special someone". Often times I think it probably meant more to me than it did to whoever it was. Oh well.

This year however, I got a surprise at 12 midnight! So I was checking my phone and waiting for my birthday to come like how I always do and suddenly I received a call from Nic. I was wondering how come he could call me and he said he was downstairs, to which I thought he meant he went out of his workplace to call me hahaha. But apparently he was below my house! I was quite impressed that he managed to surprise me and kept the fact that he ended his work early on that day a secret till then. I don't get surprised often cause I always seem to figure my surprises out and spoil them =p

And of cause, I loveeeeeee the present that he got me! Although this made me realise how fickle minded and indecisive I really am.

So the bag came in 4 different colours and I was just 1 short of having brought home every single colour. Yepppp, which basically means I brought the bag back to exchange TWICE. I cannot deal with myself. Long story short, I eventually ended up with the colour that I first set my eyes on. Moral of the story? Don't bother looking at other stuff and just settle on the 1st one you like! (yea always happens when I go shopping too -.-)

Anyways, just wanted to thank everyone who made it a point to wish me on that day! :)

//I originally wrote this post with the intention of addressing something that I've been thinking about, but while I was penning down my thoughts, it occurred to me that it might be a little too harsh. I figured I should just keep things lighthearted and end off on a positive note, so yeppp. Till next time, goodnight!

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