Monday, July 21, 2014

After all that's said and done;

Some people come into your live and act as a catalyst, speeding up the process of things that are supposed to happen, but at the end of it all they still remain unchanged and your lives don't intertwine.

Then there are some that act as a reactant, with their appearance in your life causing a chain of events to occur. They'll always be part of the reason why you are where you are today, but their existence only goes as far as being part of that particular chain of events and not with you in the present.

And finally there are those that come as a spark, small yet having the power to ignite the biggest of flames. These are the people that are able to light up the darkest parts of your soul, allowing you to see things for what they actually are and make the path you're travelling on so much easier. This fire will burn so bright and spread so wide, you'll know that no matter where you go, or how many years it is from now, its flame will never be extinguished.

I realised that so often people come into our lives, create such beautiful memories, only to end up leaving when their time's due. It could be friends that you've made during a particular school term, friends that you spent so much time with, hung out with almost everyday, but yet after that particular phase of your life is over, all that's left of them are old instagram photos and a number in your phone book.

Or it could be someone you were potentially interested in. Maybe he/she was a friend's friend or someone you met at a party; you text for awhile, went out a couple of times or two and within this short span of time you talked about anything and everything, sharing about your life stories, goals and dreams.

But eventually things don't work out, you stop talking, and that's when you realise that there's someone out there that knows so much about you and vice versa, but yet your lives will never intertwine and you'll probably never meet each other again. It's a funny feeling when you also realise you were never that much a part of each other's lives to even add each other on facebook, twitter, instagram or any other social networking sites. And that all they are now, and all that's left of them, is a phone number of which you'd probably come to look at in years to come and delete it cause you don't even remember who it belongs to.

It's really sad how friends and acquaintances come and go just like that. You can't really tell if someone's a catalyst, a reactant or a spark until the reaction has run its course. And sometimes you invest a little too much into someone, hoping that maybe that's the spark you've been looking for all these while, only to realise that it isn't the case.

But it's okay, that's just life and things in life have a weird way of working themselves out. We just gotta keep believing and have faith! Anws, this isn't an emo post..just feeling a little sentimental and nostalgic lately :')

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