Thursday, August 15, 2013

As most people who know me would know, I'm not really passionate about much stuff and I most definitely am rather apathetic when it comes to politics, the law and such. It's not because I don't care, but I see no point about complaining about it. I don't see why people complain about houses being too expensive, COE being too expensive, cars being too expensive, poly bus fares being too expensive, Singapore having too many foreign talents, government not giving enough jobs to the citizens, etc etc.

Like seriously. Instead of complaining, why don't you put your time to better use and start earning more money or making yourself more valuable to the society by studying harder?! Maybe then you wouldn't be having such issues. If you're lazy, THEN DON'T COMPLAIN.

I believe I complain a lot, but I don't complain about food prices being too expensive just because I cannot afford to eat at restaurants every single day?! If I want something, I will get it. By working for it and not complaining about it.

ANWS. I'm sorry, I kinda went off track lol. This isn't even the point of my post..I just got carried away thinking about such people.

As I was saying..I'm not really passionate about much stuff and I don't really get very emotionally involved with politics and the law. However, there's one thing that I really really do not agree with and I will not act like it doesn't bother me, cause it does. And that's Singapore's mandatory death penalty.

And today I'm glad. Cause I just found out that they made amendments to the law! Apparently if you kill someone and fall under section 300 b/c/d or something like that of the penal code (i.e. as long as it's not section 300 a), the judge can choose to sentence you to life in imprisonment + canning or the death penalty. So basically it's no longer mandatory! But sadly the mandatory death penalty still stands for drug smuggling, which I think is rather absurd cause I don't see how smuggling drugs can be worse than killing someone.

I really don't understand how some people can tell me that such a punishment is necessary. It's a life we're talking about. And to think that the law is not 100% right all the time (i.e. you run the risk of sentencing an innocent person to death, which FYI, has happened before) it really disgusts me whenever people just brush this aside and claim that the probability is so low it isn't even worth amending the law for. Maybe if that person were you, you wouldn't be saying that.

Not to mention, you can just sentence the criminal to life imprisonment and it'd fully serve the purpose of preventing such a criminal from getting out and about and potentially harming citizens. But no, they insist on sentencing the person to death cause "it's only fair that they pay for a life with a life" (shall not even talk about drug smugglers who haven't killed anyone here). You know what this translates to me?

"Yes, although I might be sacrificing one innocent victim once in every 1000 people, it's alright as long as these 1000 people are dead. I don't care if life imprisonment serves the same purpose, I want them dead."

And that's just sick.

I really wish there was something I could do to make a difference and..maybe one day I might have a chance to. Don't know how, but anything is possible as long as you set your mind to it right?

Okae, time to end my long winded post and go to sleep.

PS. Feeling especially annoyed today cause it seems like the heavens are playing a joke on me. But it's okae, tomorrow will be a better day. Goodnight!

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