Monday, April 15, 2013


Looking at all my recent posts, I realised I haven't really kept to what I said at the beginning of this year. It's really quite ironic how I was so determined to only think about the good stuff, how much I actually believed that things will eventually get better and how hopeful I was back then. Don't get me wrong, I still do believe that it can't rain forever..but it's just that I tend to get more affected by the little things lately.

Oh anws, as I was saying, it's ironic cause compared to then, things right now are actually going pretty smoothly. Pretty much..

Okay..on a brighter note! I'm actually quite looking forward to the next few months! I'm expecting May to be a pretty awesome month, although most of it would be my study break and I'm supposed to be like..studying? Haha. But otherwise, there're quite a few parties to look forward to!!

Firstly it's my 21st party! Hehe. I'm really quite excited cause I've spent so much time planning and thinking about it cause I really want it to be perfect! It's quite funny how much of a perfectionist I can be when it comes to the things that I like/am interested in, yet when it comes to stuff that I'm forced to do I can be so slipshod about it hahaha. I practically did everything myself cause..well, who else knows what I want better than me? Amanda offered to help me do my birthday banner, but I stole that job from her. Sling was supposed to get me my cake, but I practically went to get my cake specially customized and only asked them to collect it for me hahaha. Damn. Did I mention that I actually wanted to make my cake myself?! But that

Secondly, korkor's and Lisa's 21st birthday parties are coming up towards the end of May too! And is this sad or sad..cause I've actually never been to a 21st birthday party before hahaha. Damn weird I swear..I don't seem to know anyone when they're 21. I only get to know them after they turn 21!! ..or maybe I just don't have friends :(

Thirdly, I'm going BANGKOK in June!!!!!! Omg, can't wait hehehehe. So eggcited. I'm gonna shop till I drop. But before that I have got to think of some way to get more moneyyyy!! Cause I'm so broke.

And I will not even go into how much I regret spending so much money on my hair...

Omg, but really! The amt I spent on my hair in total this year is enough to bring me to Bangkok and back and cover my shopping expenditures!!!!!!!!!!!

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