Saturday, April 27, 2013

All the cars passing by, all the trees, all the greenery..

There I the partially full bus, looking out the window, seeing it all pass by. 
This long journey, and what for? I've probably traveled this route more times than I can remember..not by choice but because I had to. Yet this time, I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Was it worth it? To me it was and still is, but anyone else would tell you it wasn't.

And then there I was, alone at the bus stop, watching the cars go by, waiting..just waiting.
This place felt different..calm, peaceful, simple. And despite all the sound from the passing traffic, everything still seemed so quiet. I looked ahead of me and across the road was this plot of land with a building of some sort. It wasn't a familiar sight and it felt strange, surreal even.

And finally there I was, in the passenger sit, filled with this unexplainable feeling.
And suddenly a car diverged from the passing traffic and stopped in front of me. I got in and I realised everything was real. This is real. I felt this sense of joy I haven't felt in months now.

Or at least, that's what I thought I felt. Cause looking back now, I can't seem to find that feeling anymore. Now in my mind's eye all I see is me alone in the bus, an empty road and a barren land. All I hear, is the deafening silence. And that, was all I felt.

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