Saturday, November 30, 2013


-disclaimer: loser post up ahead-

I am sad.

why are ppl so mean! :(

So lately I've been trying to play a new game. And I'm completely clueless. I think I suck at gaming, sigh pie. I think the only game I can play is maple.......

But even so, I pretty much sucked at it when I first began. I remember playing a magician job and added strength as my stats cause I wanted to be able to poke snails and kill them well =/ So after I found out magicians should have int instead, I remade my char and....I added str again........

You really can't blame me. You know how many times I had to poke a snail before it died?!! ._. and everyone wants to be strong, no? :( so it made sense to add str...

Anws. So lately I wanted to play a new kind of game. First I downloaded DOTA 2, but then I decided that League of Legends' characters were cooler so I tried playing that instead.

And I feel very sad and hopeless now because ppl are all so mean. They kept calling me a noob :( AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I DID T_________T

I mean like..I died a lot of times..and know..didn't manage to kill any bots..but still..

I was in a noob arena ._. why would pro ppl come and play in a noob arena..sigh.

Am I really that noob? :( despite it all, I still think LoL is kinda fun..surprisingly ._. but idw to be constantly called a noob!!!!!

Usually I'm not that affected whenever ppl call me a noob cause I know I'm not I can't do anything cause I really am a nooooob :(((((( skhndkahndsakjdbaksbd this is really depressing. now i know how being cyber bullied feels like *emo nemo*

On a non-loser-ish note......

After applying for 10 million jobs, I finally got hired for one!! Hehehe. Gonna work in a humongous kiddy wonderland (at least that's what I like to call it =p) so happy! Honestly speaking, that was the only job I really wanted anws, so I guess all's good ^^

But it only starts in end meanwhile..I'll go back to living my loser (no) life.

Okae no I'm just kidding haha. I wanna do something meaningful with my life! I hate sitting around and wasting my life (and feeling sad over being called a noob). I contemplated studying for next sem's mods but idk what textbooks to buy cause the list isn't out yet..

Urgh but yea, I need to find something meaningful to do!!

(ps. I'm feeling slightly happier lately because it seems like my 3 months goal is one step closer to being fulfilled! I can do this!! Stay strong xinci!)

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